New Jersey Beagles at Breezy Point
Beagles and the Elderly |
Henry and Bailey provided comfort and companionsip to my mom in her last years. It was a comfort to me to know they were there with her when I wasn't able to be. She loved them and they her. When she began having memory issues she started sleeping downstairs on the sofa. When this happened Bailey stopped sleeping with Henry and me and stayed downstairs with her. He was my extra special boy.
Reese came into our lives not long after losing a beloved beagle, Freckles, at the age of 14. Something so sad for us turned into happiness. This event came at a time when life had become very difficult with the illness of my mom. We even sneaked Reese in to visit with my mom at the nursing facility where she was living. She enjoyed his visit so much and he sat patiently on her bed while she stroked him.
My brother took this photo of that special day. Mom mom left us about three weeks after
this photo was taken. |
My mother was 102 when she died. She fell and broke her hip about a month before she died. From the minute Kaylee left Jewels and her siblings my Mom assumed responsibility for her. Checking on her constantly -Kaylee loved all the attention. She loved to sit on her lap. And as far as Kaylee was concerned no one could pet her or rub her ears as well as Grandmom. My mother made sure she was fed on time and always had a blanket if it was chilly. When I was growing up my father raised beagles. We always had them in our house. i think because of that, my Mom thought she had to take care of Kaylee-She even wanted to adopt Rosie another puppy from Jewels and Coolio’s litter.It took Kaylee many months to adjust to Grandmom not being around-As it took all of us time also.This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of them. |
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