New Jersey Beagles at Breezy Point
age: 10 DOB

On a sad note: Remy, at age 12 passed away on 5/2/07 |
Wanda Wareham from Newfoundland writes about her dog Butch Your beagles name: Butch |
From Jackie |
age: 10
Gender: Female
Holly has been and will continue to be my constant companion.
She is the most well behaved girl i've ever seen.
name: Rose
age: 10
Gender: Female
Here is a photo of my senior beagle Rose (on the left)and my younger beagle Murphy (on the right). Although I have only had my Rose for a couple months, she has really become a big part of our family. She sleeps beside my bed and when I open my eyes in the morning she greets me with a wag of a tail and comes up in bed for a morning snuggle. From the little I understand from her past, it was not an easy one. So, I hope I can make the rest of her years as happy and full of love as she deserves.
Rich's beautiful 10 year old beagle Lucy loves wearing hats.
Unfortunately, adorable and stylish Lucy has passed away at 15 1/2 years old.
Our condolences to her family.
name: Bastian
age: 14
Gender: Male
I found your website and had to share my senior beagle, Bastian with everyone. He is my heart and soul, a best friend, great listener and loves to express himself...quite the barker! Bastian has been with me for 14 years and brought so much love and joy into my life! Although we are in Georgia, its good to know those Jersey beagles are loved just as much. Thanks for allowing me to share a bit of Bastian with everyone!
Maggie the beagle
She had a lways had a problem with her anal glands. Finally at age 14 they had to come out. I was devastated thining I would lose her in the surgery. She just wanted to get rid of them! The surgery was a success but that was when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given two months to live. The vet said nothing could be done and to just make her as comfortable as possible. I was feeding her one of the best dog foods on the market - special ordering it in. I made the switch to raw organtic meat. 1 1/2 years later I took Maggie to the vet for a bladder infection. The vet kept insisting it was the cancer. I kept insisting it was a bladder infection. (I had them myself) I was right! The vet asked me one question. "What are you feeding this dog??" Several months ago Maggie started crying again. She was having a lot of difficulty making it up a single step. I found a great chiropractor and she stopped crying. She has again resumed her every other day walks. I think there's several factors involved in her health and longevity.... Love, companionship, and spiriturality. But that's just my opinion. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday! Judy Szela |
name: Oreo
age: 11
Gender: Male
Oreo loves people, food, as you can see from his belly, afternoon naps, and the occasional taste of mom's meatloaf.. He is the "king" of our house. In his younger days he would run around the yard sniffing for rabbits and digging up beatles. He gets really excited at christmas and after he gets a bath. We love Oreo very much and could not imagine a better dog.
Your beagles name: Queenie and Sweetie
Your beagles age: 10 and 12 respectively
Gender: Female
Both of my babies are shelter beagles. Queenie is a tempermental beagle that loves to climb into you lab, but will snarrel when you try and pet her. Sweetie on the other hand does not like to cuddle but would betray everyone and everything for a belly rub. Sweetie is the escape artist and master criminal of the two. There is almost no place that is safe from her. She has moved objects to make steps to reach a tray that was out of her reach.
So sorry..... At age 13, Sweetie passed away
Your beagles name: Shiloh Ears
Your beagles age: 8 (bday July 15, 1997)
Gender: Female
Shiloh is my best friend. She's the sweetest most loving beagle. I showed her in 4-H dog obedience and two years she got Reserve Grand Champion. She's very smart and knows many tricks. Just recently, I found out that Shiloh has dog cancer. Although, she's doing okay right now, she does have bad days. I love her very much and can't image not having her in my life. She's my Best Friend!!
Your beagles name: Ozzie
Your beagles age: 14+
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Paul's petfood or Nutro senior
Ozzie is a very loving and sweet boy and we can't imagine why his other people dropped him off at animal control at age 14! Fortunately he was rescued and then adopted by us. He has two beagle sisters (lucy and sally) also rescues who are 3 & 4. He's in great physical shape (although his eyes are getting cloudy)and loves to play beagle games with the girls.

by his side on 11/25/06
Your beagles age: 16
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Science Diet
This beagle is mightily loved by my two daughters. She was the runt of the litter when we picked her up in February 1990.

Your beagles name: Parker |
Your beagles age: 10
Gender: Male
Tell us what you feed your beagle: Beneful Healthy Weight Management

Your beagles name: Lucy
Your beagles age: 15
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Science Diet Senior

Lucy has been my best friend for a long time now. With the exception of a little arthritis she is as healthy as an ox. I recently started giving her glucosamine/condritin and asprin, which helps the arthritis imensely. She's never lost that beagle high energy zest for life and still goes crazy when she sees a rabbit. I'm glad to see so many beagles on her that are still healthy in their latter years.

Lucy and her yellow lab pal
Your beagles name: comet Comet fit right into our family. He is a very loving happy ol guy. Our other three beagles love him. We got him from the humane society first fostering him, but he stole our hearts. We decided no other home was good enough for him. He will want for nothing. We are looking forward to many more years with comet.
Your beagles name: "Dumb-Dumb"
Your beagles age: 12 Years and 7 Months
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: IAMs Active Maturity

Yes, I know it's a terrible name !
The kids named him and it just stuck !
Anyway, I can't imagine life without him and he'll be 13 on june 14th
(we've been friends since he was only 4 weeks old !)
I guess like all dogs he's just better than people :o)
At 14 yrs old, it's a sad day as we mourn the loss of Dumb Dumb, one of our "Beautiful Old Beagles." 7/7/08 |
Your beagles name: Duke
Your beagles age: 7
Gender: Male
Tell us what you feed your beagle: Dad's brand Dog Foods
Duke is a very special beagle. We got Duke as a puppy in 1999, saving him from a cruel owner who threatened to shoot him if he didn't get rid of him. At 7 years young, Duke is still very playful and energetic. However, age is starting to catch up with the Dukester and he's gotten a little bit slower in his step in recent years. Duke enjoys: Back rubs, playtime, going outside, begging for people food, and last but not least, attention.
Your beagles name: Freckles My baby is all around wonderful...She loves to hug. She will crawl up on your lap and take her legs and put them on your shoulders and lay her head down. Nothing beat a good hug from her! She is a diabetic & has many seizures, yet she acts like a puppy and wants to play all the time. She recently got a knee injury & has been limping. The Vet said to keep her calm & not running around. Like I said she acts like a puppy and loves to play so this has been hard for us. She climbs the fence like any child would; she can climb out, but cant figure out how to climb in. Go figure.Freckles is starting to turn gray, but I love her all the same... with all my heart! |
Your beagles name: Bugsy
Your beagles age: 14
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: purina one for years now alpo
Bugsy is our first beagle. We also have a 7 yr. old female named Ruby. Bugsy is the epitomy of a Beagle. He's strong, courageous, smart, and a great hunter. Bugsy has survived epilepsy, heat stroke, getting lost 2 different times most recently this year for 2.5 days. {now retired from rabbitting}. We have been thru thick and thin together and there will never be another like him. In his prime he was 36 lbs. of solid rabbit chasing muscle, ballooned up to 60 and now back down in the 30's. He continues to amaze us everyday and we have been truly blessed by God to have this fine dog in our lives. I'm thankful that both my boys have gotten a chance to hunt w/ the most relentless rabbit chaser ever.
Sadly, Bugsy lost his battle with time and passed away on 9/14/07 |
Your beagles age: 12 Years Old
Gender: Female
What do your feed your beagle: IVD Duck and Potato or Venison and Potato

When her ceramic bowls are empty, she will move them around the tile and make alot of noise until someone fills them up. If no one comes, she'll bark until they do. She has one bark for strangers at the door and another for when she needs something. The best is when she just can't wait for food, water, or to go out. She'll come over and paw one of us (she's a lefty like me) over and over until we guess the right thing... pee pee, food...and then she'll look at us intensely and bark when we guess right as if to say, "Yes, that's it!" Many times she'll come up to me wimpering, hook her paw around my wrist, and pull it toward her. That's when I know she really wants a backrub. She's brought so much comfort, joy, and laughter to our lives. We love our Natalie girl!
The Smith Family
Your beagles name: Katie
Your beagles age: 12
Gender: Female What do you feed your beagle: Bentiful Weight Mngt
We have been blessed having Katie in our family since a puppy. She has been a joy for all 12 years !! Having 2 yrs ago losing our 1st beagle Dexter at 14, she has had to become the older sibling to another, Elton , who just turned 2. Her major health issue has been her knee joints - Synflex seems to have helped. When it gets bad she gets a shot. She also was born with no tear ducts- hence the tear stains.
Katie is full of love and tenderness. She has a pure and kind soul - we love her dearly.
Thank you for having this page to share our baby girl.
aka name "baby cakes katie"
p.s. as she has gotten older she has become very camera shy. I think it's the flash.
Sadly, our baby girl passed away 5/28/10. She is greatly missed and lives forever in our hearts.
Your beagles age: 18 years (Born 1989 november 15)
Gender: Male
What do you feed your beagle: regular dogfood, he loves pancakes and meatballs!
Jeppe is not a pure beagle, somewhere in the family line he has dachshund in his blood. He has been a wonderfull family member through his years. He has done many funny things in his life. I remember once he hunted heifers on a field, suddenly all 10 heifers turned around and chased him off the field. He was realy ashamed and afraid that time. :-) He has 3 cat friends who loves him like a "big brother". They love to play and cuddle with him. Now a days since he is a senior he lives a quiet and peacefull life. He sleeps more now than before but when he is a awake he plays and eats almost like a puppy. Love and hugs from Leena and Jeppe, Sweden!
Your beagles name: Taffy
Your beagles age: 14 years, 9 months
Gender: Female
Purina chicken/lamb & rice (dry)
Taffy came to live with me almost 4 years ago, after my Mom, who had her for her 1st 11 years, could no longer care for her. My only regret now is that I didn't take her sooner. She still pulls me when "walking", with her non-stop sniffer scanning the ground in search of that elusive garbage bag she can't wait to rip open for goodies. Everybody loves her, & she loves being petted & continuously getting her belly rubbed. (She'll hit you with her paw if you have the audacity to stop!) Her bladder is unfortunately starting to leak more & more, & I burst into tears when I think no matter how much time has passed, it's still never long enough. I can't conceive her not being in our lives, & I dread the future without her. Early this year, I lost my job & have spent nearly every minute with her-which is the only good that came out of it. That I wouldn't change for anything, but spending all that time with her will make her loss all the more unbearable. She's snoring as I write this, a sound which has comforted me these past few years. I wish I could turn back the clock & she'd be a puppy again. We love you so, so very much, Taffy-please don't leave us so soon!!!
Taffy's family sadly informed us today that she peacefully passed away on 8/18/08 |
Your beagles name: Roscoe
Your beagles age: 15 Gender: Male What do you feed your beagle: science diet ![]()
My wonderful Beagle just turned 15, he is joy to our heart and is just a bundle of love to be around. Unfortunatley he has been battling weight problems his whole life and as his health has started to go his spirit is large as ever. He has developed a large growth in his bladder and the outcome doesnt look too good. I love my buddy to death it just kills me to see him go but i am glad i got to spend 15 great years with him.
Your beagles name: Beasley
Your beagles age: 15
Gender: Male
What do you feed your beagle: Nutro Natural Choice
Beasley was adopted when he was 2. He has always been the canine Houdini. When I first got him, he somehow scratched or ate away the solder to remove a metal bar from the top of his locked crate, and he climbed out of the small space the missing bar left! He's old now, with an enlarged heart and collapsed trachea which causes a relentless cough, but he's still a tough little guy and the acknowledged alpha dog even though his brother is bigger, younger and stronger.
Your beagles name: Barney
Your beagles age: 18 on April 11th, 2008
Gender: Male
What do you feed your beagle: IVD Venison and potato
Barney is the best Beagle ever. After we got him at the age of 11 weeks, four other Beagles entered our lives. Two of those beloved Beagles have since passed on. Barney is a miracle; we love him with all of our hearts.
Sadly, on June 10th, Barney passed away at 18 years and 2 months old. |
Name: Harry
Age: 10 years old
Gender: Male
What do you feed your beagle: Trying several things right now...
Harry has been with me for about 4 months, he came from the pound. He's my first beagle, I have been wanting one forever and have been waiting for the "perfect" one. I'm glad I waited, because I got lucky & found him on the first try! He's a great dog, housetrained, ignores the cats, loves food, loves the dog park, and doesn't bay (I'm a little sad about this!). He has a heart murmur and high blood pressure, but he's on medication & doing great. The vet estimates he's about 10 years old. We live in Texas.
Sad to report that Harry has passed away at age 13, very peacefully right here at home.
Your beagles name: Elmo
Your beagles age: 12 years old - d.o.b. 04/12/96
Gender: Male
What you feed your beagle: Purina ONE (healthy weight formula of course!) and Nature's Variety Raw. He loves any form of poultry too!
My sweet baby boy is very loving and social and has a very active life - when he's not busy taking a nap! He loves his job as a pet assisted therapy dog - he works 2 Sundays a month making people feel better by just being himself! He has never turned down a chance to go for a long "sniffy" walk around the neighborhood and really loves an afternoon at the dog park which includes a ride in the car! He's also very good at helping me with my job - pet sitting - and loves to go with me to visit the clients he knows - it's always very exciting to get to sniff someone else's yard! He's a wonderful dog who warms my heart and always makes me smile!
So sorry to hear that Elmo, at 14 ½ years old, passed away on December 19, 2010
Your beagles name: Ben
Your beagles age: 10+
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Paul's Petfood for Seniors
Ben is a very sweet boy who we adopted a year ago.
He loves to be with his people and going for walks but also enjoys spending time with his beagle sisters in their large fenced yard.
He's a sweetie and even let me dress him up as Underdog
last Halloween. We hope to have many more wonderful
years with Ben.
Sweet Ben went to the bridge on 5/23/12
Your beagles name: Tucker
Your beagles age: 13
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Blue Buffalo Chicken & Rice with a dollop of Old Mother Hubbards Grammys Pot Pie - YUMMY!
I rescued Tucker at 6 mos old and I was not his first owner - or second! Tucker was quite a handsome baby but also a handful. Through the years he has earned the title "The Fun Police" because he doesn't like the young-uns having fun unless he says they can (which means he tends to corral them into place - oh wait, maybe I mean bully! LOL).
Tucker has a very special spot in my heart and although he has sorely tested me thru the years I seriously doubt there will ever be another dog that I love as much as I do him. Probably because he was so needy from the start he has become my "baby" and clearly he is a mommas boy.
Tucker can be found in the sunny spot of my bay window during the day and on snowy winter mornings, he spends time chasing his little sister, Penny (as in this photo).
Your beagles age: 12 ?
Gender: Female
Tell us what you feed your beagle: Innova Senior
I adopted Shelby the moment I saw her 2 years ago and she has been the light of my life, my first Beagle. She's doing great in her old age and even caught a rabbit last week! Shelby will dance until you hurt from laughing. She's by best friend and I look forward to many, many more years with her! Thanks for the great page!
Your beagles name: Maggie
Your beagles age: 9+
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Iams weight control
My little girl is Maggie, she may be getting up in years now but no-one told her! We adopted our girl in 1998 when she was a year old.What a blessing that day was! My son says that I'm the only person he knows whos best friend is a dog. I talk to her all the time, and I swear she tries to talk back! She loves "belly rubs" and ice cream...yes i know its no good, so she only licks the bowl. She is an amazing girl, who I love more than I can say. I just can't imagine my life without her!
With sorrow, Maggie passed away on March 20, 2011
Your beagles name: Daisy
Your beagles age: unknown, likely 13 or 14
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: W/D wet from the vet, grilled chicken strips
Daisy was abandoned in upstate NY three years ago. She was rescued and brought to Hoboken, NJ. As a result she suffers from separation anxiety and occasional depression. In her early years she learned to track scents and now uses that skill to find food in the trash. Plus she is a champion begger. Also, she has a strong dislike for grey squirrels and enacts revenge on them as often as she can. Daisy is a sweet soul and a great dog.
Sadly, Daisy passed away 5/4/2010
Your beagles name: Daisy May
Your beagles age: 15
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Lots of people food....everything! The better question would be, what does Daisy feed herself?
Daisy is the spunkiest old lady beagle ever! She loves to sleep on her special spot on the family room carpet. She also loves to smell around in the backyard and bark at all kinds of animals. But most of all Daisy loves her food! Daisy is a little devil and will do just about anything to get food, especially steak. Daisy is a real character-- once she crashed a neighbor's backyard party and ate all their food! Another time she ate a whole chicken, bones and all. Despite the fact that she is a little menace, she is the cutest, sweetest, most lovable dog, with the softest longest ears! We just can't get enough of this sweet little Daisy, my little baby! We call her crazy Daisy!
Your beagles name: Freckles
Your beagles age: 11 on February 1, 2009
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Nature's Recipe Lamb and Rice
Although basically an independent soul early on, Freckles has grown into my velcro beagle in recent years. He needs to be in whatever room I am in. He is the most gentle soul you'd ever want to meet. Although he doesn't request belly rubs or petting very often, he loves to lean on you and just feel a gentle hand on his back. A year ago he was diagnosed with a nerve sheath sarcoma on his right hind leg. Although they were able to remove the entire tumor fairly easily, they know some cancer cells were left behind. So far, there have been no signs of recurrence and we are spending our days just enjoying our beagle boy and giving him the great life he deserves.
Handsome Freckles passed away in May, 2012
You will be missed by all of us at NJ Beagles. RIP

With heavy hearts we regret to inform you that Allie our 13 year old Beagle passed away on June 3 09. We have lost a part of our lives that can never be replaced.
Age 12-13
My mom and I adopted Forrest 3 years ago from Pet Rescue of Mercer. He was so skinny and sad and had a huge tumor on his belly. We gave him a warm, loving him and he has brought complete joy to my life. His unconditional love helps me through my bad times and I look at him everyday and smile. I thought he saved my life but really he has saved mine. I will never buy another breed of dog again! Just recently we had to rush Forrest to an animal hospital where he was diagnosed with vestibular disease. The ordeal was very scary and I thought he had a stroke and we were going to lose him. Fortunately, 3 weeks later he is doing MUCH better. Although the hospital gave him chicken and he is on strike from eating dogfood at the moment. I hope he stays around for many more years to come. I cannot imagine my life without him. And in the future, should we lose him, I know that he would want us to continue adopting older beagles to show them that they can be loved until the very end.
Your beagles name: ARBE D. BEAGLE
Your beagles age: 11
Gender: Male
Tell us what you feed your beagle: Purina senior
Arbe is the most wonderful beagle on earth. We love him more than words can say. He is survived the loss of his beloved brother Snoopy at age 4 and his constant companion Lucy last summer. He is slowing down quite a bit and has Cushing's but still loves his treats and greats me at the door when I come home from work!! He is truly a special pup!!!!
Your beagles name: Madison Rae
Your beagles age: 11 years old
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Purina One-Healthy Weight
Speak from your heart and tell us something about your wonderful beagle: Madison is an extremely affectionate little girl. Her hobbies include begging for treats, hiding her bones all over the house, and cuddling with her mommy and daddy.
Your beagles name: Chauncey
Your beagles age: 13?
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Varieties of Senior Wet and Dry foods
Chauncey was a rescue dog found wandering in the streets of New Bedford and was brought to the Animal Rescue League on Cape Cod. His age is somewhat indeterminate as he came with no ID. He is lovable and devoted. He is a great sailor and loves to go paddle boating everyday in the summer. We live on a lake and he loves the water as long and there is a boat between it and him and never touches his paws. He barks at the swans and they hiss back at him. He also shares his time with his three cats also great buddies. Now he is being treated for an enlarged heart and his days are probably numbered, but everyone will be treasured and we are certainly looking forward to another summer.
Your beagles name: Victoria
Your beagles age: 12
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Iams
Victoria is our "Drama Queen - Love Sponge." We couldn't leave her alone in our camper when we went bicycling, so she now joins us in her red caboose. She enjoys the ride and we get an extra workout towing her.
Your beagles name: Simon
Your beagles age: 12
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Mixture of all-natural kibble (Natural Life) and Natural Life Lamb or Chicken (canned)
Simon is a true beagle. Strong willed and stubborn, but also smart and sweet. He loves to play with our 2-year old Jack Russell Terrier. They chase each other all over the house, and wrestle with each other; I think the JRT is helping to keep Simon young! Simon eats anything and everything, loves to have his ears scratched, and sleeps on our bed, spreading out to take up as much room as he can!
Your beagles name: Sophie
Your beagles age: 11.5
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Beneful Healthy Weight
Speak from your heart and tell us something about your wonderful beagle: Sophie kept me warm and gave me comfort when I divorced-8 years ago. She is 11.5 and a pain in the rear when she escapes or jumps on the dining room table! She still loves to run out the door if she gets a chance. We all love her.
Your beagles name: Bailee
Your beagles age: 10yrs
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: science diet
I have had my beagle for two weeks now i saved her from a humaine society where she would have been euthanized because of her age. She has been a stray her whole life. Now she enjoys her evenings with treats and a comfy pillow top bed.
Your beagles name: Shayna
Your beagles age: 15
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: dry morsels with turkey/chicken meat
Shayna loves us unconditionally. We rescued her when she was 11 weeks old, and has watched our daughters go off to college. She still waits for them at the door.
Your beagles name: Micheal (aka)- buddy
Your beagles age: 20 yrs.
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: pedigree
I have known Micheal ever since he was a pup. His previous owner was my mom. At 10 yrs old he came to live with me as an only pet to a household of cats. Well i had to set down the rules for all of them. Believe me they had their days!!!! Well it is 2011 and micheal is still hanging with us. He has never been sick a day in his life. He is showing signs of aging,but he's very loving, faithful, and has a 3 yr old boxer as a play mate. We are very grateful to have him with us, for when his turn comes he will be sadly missed by his family.
Your beagles name: Nala
Your beagles age: 16 years+10 months
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Anything that she wants...right now Iams Puppy
We got Nala at one year of age as a rescue. Since then, she has been a therapy dog, earned two legs of her AKC Obedience title (just decided that she had enough of that stuff!), a therapy dog...and a good and faithful friend. She is the last of three beagle girls that we have owned , and she certainly has been the most dear. She has slowed down a blind, deaf, and is being treated for kidney failure and congestive heart disease...we thought about a year ago we were going to lose her, but she still enjoys going into the back yard for a good frolic and still gets excited when Poppy comes home...
I am very sad to inform you that we lost our Nala on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011 at 17 years and 2 months. Here’s hoping that Daddy’s little girl has good hunting!
Douglas R. Stoves
Your beagles name: Bailey
Your beagles age: 17
Gender: Female
What do you feed your beagle: 1/2 paul newman kibble 1/2 Beneful wet meals
She is the sweetest and has never waivered as she has aged. Although many things are more difficult for her now she just goes with the flow - very courageous.
Still LOVES to eat!
Bailey goes to work with me everyday and is the hit of the office! If I don't show up it's hardly noticed, but if Bailey doesn't come in everybody is very upset.
Your beagles name: Brewster
Your beagles age: 8
Gender: Male
What do you feed your beagle: Fresh Pet Select
When out for a stroll in the neighborhood, passers by are suddenly alerted to what almost sounds like an old steam train... the distinct "Sound of the Hound". Looking up they spot the familiar form of Brewster the Beagle "perched" in his favorite place, our big Bay Window.The "Sweetest Guy in the Neighborhood" greets a legion of fans and friends who smile and wave as they stroll by. With a disposition as sweet as sugar he's always lobbying for a treat, a pat on the head or a snuggle. He loves meatballs and even though he's been fed his dinner, he'll wait patiently in the kitchen while we make "our" dinner and he won't leave till he gets one. We've had Brewster since he was a puppy and we all feel fortunate to be the primary recipients of his love, loyalty and trust. Although he has many admirers, we love him dearly and his biggest fans will always remain his family members, Myself, my wife Mia and our son Josh.
Your beagles name: Meathead
Your beagles age: 8
Gender: Male
I have had Meaty sense he was a puppy.The first 2 years were rough.At 2.5 years we really started to bond with each other.our favorite thing to do was hiking in the woods.Meaty would get so excited he would start shaking in the car.We have moved several times in the almost 8 years together and we have been on several road trips together.he loves to be petted,cuddle,give lots of kisses,and snuggles next to me in bed at night.most of the time he snores louder than me.i don't know what i will do when hes some ways i owe that dog my life. he is my best friend and i love him with all my heart.
Your beagles name: Gunther
Your beagles age: 14 1/2
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Nutro Lamb and Rice mixed with Beneful Senior
Gunther was adopted in 1996 at 9 weeks. He was potty-trained in three weeks! Very smart, fun dog. He had a wonderful understanding of up to 40 words. He is sleek and trim at 25 lbs, but is now deaf and his eyes are starting to cloud. He still walks 1-2 miles every morning with his Shetland Sheepdog companion. We anticipate several good years yet with our boy.
So sorry to hear that Gunther passed away today. 2/13/2012. Our deepest sympathies to his family. Run free sweet boy!
Your beagles name: Alice
Your beagles age: 15
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Varies- Premium dogfood
Alice was a gift to myself after surviving a double lung transplant and also to my then 4 year old daughter. She survived being housed outside during Hurricane Fran and still brings joy to our hearts even though she can't climb in bed anymore, food still makes her very happy. My husband, daughter and myself love her while she is here.
Your beagles age: 19 1/2
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: gravy train
Leo has grown up with my two boys. We got him in June of 1992. He has been a great dog .... He is one of the boys !
All I can say is, "God Bless this sweet little old man."
Terry Stern
On 11/11/12, at 20 1/2 years old, Walt and Tena's beloved Leo
crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. RIP Leo
Your beagles age: 10 years, 1 month
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Wellness Healthy Weight

Lucy is a wonderful family member,friend, and companion. She has degenerative disc disease and a partiallycollapsed trachea, as well as a slightly enlarged heart. I am retired, so Ican give her the medications she needs to control her pain throughout the
day. We camp, and she still goes along, but we have to make sure that shedoes not get overheated, because she has difficulty when exposed to heat andhumidity. She cannot exercise and only goes outside for her potty needs. Welove her dearly, and it's sad to see her slowing down so much, but we willtake care of her until her time here is over.
Lucy has a Chihuahua companion, Rosie, whom we also lovevery much!!
Your beagles age: 11
Gender: Female

Here's to all the healthy and happy senior Beagle dogs and the people who love them oh so much!!!!!
Holly & Angel
Your beagles age: 14
Gender: Male

Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Pedigree
Toby is a good old dog. We adopted him from the humane society 6 years ago. He has had various health issues (his latest being interdigital cysts and a collapsed trachea) but he continues to chug along. He loves to go on walks and of course eat!

Your beagles age: 14
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Iams mini chunks, (filet mignon)

He is the smartest, most intuitive animal I have ever known. His personality has entertained our home for 14 and a half wonderful years.
Your beagles age: 8 years 7 months
Gender: Male
Nutro nature's choice lite mixed with grain free + wet

Your beagles age: 14 will be 15 in 3 months!
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Beniful

Words truly can not express the love and joy I receive from my dog. She IS my soul mate. I got her as my first dog when I was in 5th grade and she is still with me at the age of 24. She helped me through many hard years filled with abuse,addiction,and mental issues. Whenever I would cry she would start to paw at me to let me know she was there for me. The fact that she could be so understanding and loving when the world can be so cruel showed me just how special she was and how blessed I was to have her in my life. I can not wait to celebrate her birthday on June 1st,2012! She has been considered obese since she was 8 yet she is still keeps on trucking, waddling her way by my side. Like I said the bond we have can not be spoken in words but can only be felt. Thank you God for giving me Cassie!
Your beagles age: 16
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: At this stage in her life anything she wants but she grew up on Science diet.

Tiny is the sweetest dog! Never ever had a bad day in all her years. Always a happy girl who just loves everyone and everything especially cats. She is our baby I am blessed to have her for this long. She is truly an angel.
Your beagles name: Hilda
Your beagles age: Around 11
Gender: Female
I work with an animal rescue, and Hilda was my foster. She came to our rescue from Animal Control where she was going to be put to sleep after being used as a breeder. I fell in love with her and now she's a part of the family. She's a wonderful old girl, and is even patient with my 2 year old daughter! I can't imagine life without Hilda
Your beagles name: Betty Boo
Your beagles age: 11 1/2 years
Gender: Female
What do you feed your beagle: Purina One (Healthy Weight Formula) & Tuna!
Betty Boo came into our pack after being rescued by my neighbor from a puppy mill, then to me. When I got her she was 9 years old. She is now leader of our pack! She is very sweet, squeezable, loves the sun, great find a nice cool spot in the dirt, stubborn as heck on walks- too many good smells (we do these twice a day) to keep her figure as best as possible. She loves tuna. When you open a can tuna she does the crazy dance- her eyes bug out and she goes in twirls around the room and loses her balance, until her entire head is in the bowl. She has such a personality and I love her a ton!
(Left-Max (betty’s bro), Vera- top of cushions (cousin), Betty “Boo Boo” on the right, and way in the back behind the black chair Cubby the cocker (cousin- who sadly passed away 6.21.12)
Your beagles name: Ted
Your beagles age: 13 1/2
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: California Natural
family had decided it was time to add a puppy to our pack the question was what breed? Brandon (14) wanted a border collie, Jared (13) wanted a bassett hound and Riley (8) was undecided. We blended the traits of the two breeds and that is how we came to select an 8 week old beagle named Ted. Ted was a very calm puppy and we knew instantly he was for us so we agreed to wait a few days and make certain. Riley and I dropped the boys off at football practice and we couldn't wait soo.. we picked up Ted and when we all went back to pickup the boys they saw Riley with leash in hand and I wish you could have seen the sight I saw and felt the excitement in the air!
Teds true personality emerged and what a rascal! He was truly a perfect fit! I can't even begin to tell you anything wonderful about Ted because everthing about Ted IS wonderful!!! Every trait that depicts a beagle...well that is our boy. When playing he would get so excited and start running so fast that he couldn't stop so he would crash into the walls! The boys took every pillow we owned and lined the walls so when Ted hit he wouldn't get hurt. He was forever burying his toys in the couch and packed the couch with socks. Ted went blind around 7 but nothing stops his fun! We're Blessed!!!
Sadly, on February 10, 2013, Ted passed away.
Your beagles name: Champ
Your beagles age: 14 1/2
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Hills Science Diet
We got Champ in 1998 from SOS beagles in NJ. He is the most gentle loving dog. He has been a great family dog :)
Your beagles name: Blaze
Your beagles age: 16
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Bil-jac senior with organic chicken or veggie broth
Blaze is a beautiful Lemon beagle! From the day we brought him home at 10 weeks, he was "our little old man." Now, he really is! He's such a tough boy with a wonderful personality. He loves PIG - ham, bacon, pork chops, ribs, etc. He and his sister (she passed away 2 years ago) have been a wonderful part of our lives. There's nothing better than coming home to the love of a beagle!
Your beagles age: 13yrs 10 months
Gender: Male

When Jumpstart was born, nov 14 1999. He was the last (6th) puppy. He wasnt breathing, and not much of a heartbeat, so we had to "jumpstart" him to life, hence his name. I started calling him "the jumpstarted puppy" and the name just stuck. He's the best dog I've ever had! Jumpy would go fishing with us and run rabbits all day, we tried to give him away once, and he ran almost 30 miles to come back to us! and we had just moved 3 weeks earlier. Recently he had gotten pretty sick, he,s doing alot better and hopefully we have him around for a long time.Jumpstart just became a father to 6 beautiful puppies.
Your beagles age: 10 1/2
Gender: Female

Please tell us what you feed your beagle: nature's select lite
Lucy has been a sweet but bossy girl from the time we brought her home nearly 10 years ago. she was almost a year when we adopted her. She does her best to be the boss, arroooooos at us when we don't do what she wants :-). a silly little dog who brightens our days by just being goofy self.
Your beagles name: Shady
Your beagles age: 16
Gender: Female
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Shady loves hamburger and gravy train her favorite being bologna.

I got Shady when i was 8 years old (now 23) ive grown up with her and shes the sweetest dog. She loves to howl and sleep in her bed. Once u pet her you cant stop or she will push your hand over her head with her noise.
Your beagles age: 16.5
Gender: Female
What you feed your beagle: Merrick Senior Medley canned food

CoCo will be celebrating her 17th Birthday on Aug 1st 2014. She is such a sweetheart! Very loving, gentle, smart and funny. I love her with all my heart!

Your beagles age: 12
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Boiled chicken, turkey, lamb. chops, chicken liver, beef liver, tuna fish, kibble, barley, basmati rice and treats
Speak from your heart and tell us something about your wonderful beagle: The little man has crazy good spirit. He kept his older brother around by demanding it of him when he felt under the weather( he's very vocal). Now he follows us around after breakfast every day until we get his leash. Yes we have been trained! Never aggressive And really very sensitive to his surroundings and other beings.
Your beagles age: 11
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: occasional treats &dry dog food
Drew is my first baby. I bought him from a breeder when I was pregnant with my oldest (non fur) baby. He has the sweetest heart and I can't imagine life without him.
Your beagles age: 17
Gender: Female
Ruby is amazing. She is 17 and still acts like a puppy. My 8 yr old pug mix can barely keep up with her. I rescued her from a kill shelter. She had been in a puppy mill. She does the most amazing dinner dance. Spinning in circles as if she has never been so excited before.
I love her so much it makes me cry.
Sadly, sweet Ruby passed away on May 24, 2017
Your beagles age: 14 1/2
Gender: Male
Please tell us what you feed your beagle: Purina Dog Chow
Roscoe is my very best friend and the love of my life. He is the only one who can